A fresh approach to Christian spirituality, embracing God's abiding, loving presence. Supporting your transition from outgrown beliefs to a deeper experience of the sacred grounded in faithful love.

Untitled (650 x 40 px)

Spiritual Direction

A person's spirituality and relationship with God are uniquely intimate. Sometimes, it can have its share of uncertainties, practical concerns, and nagging doubts. This doesn't make you unfaithful, just a human being living faith in real life. We all experience difficult seasons in our spiritual life, or we desire to go deeper or have specific questions, ponderings, or issues we feel called to explore. 

A Spiritual Director accompanies you as you discern where you are at, listen for invitations of the Spirit and respond to those invitations. A spiritual director is an experienced resource and companion who can provide reflective insight and help you identify practical steps forward (deeper) as you continue holistically into the things of God as a part of everyday real life.

Grief & Loss: Healing your Heart

If you’re human, you have experienced loss – the loss of a loved one, a divorce, employment or health changes or any of the other 40+ kinds of loss. While grief is the natural and normal emotional response to loss of any kind, many of us are ill-equipped to navigate it. The good news is there is a way through.  It is never too early or too late to begin to heal your heart.

I help people who have experienced loss(es) take the actions necessary to heal their hearts and re-discover life after loss.

Untitled (650 x 40 px)