AH! The Holidays!! - the gift buying, the busy social schedule, and financial pressures. These aside, for many people, the holidays seem to make the grief we feel with the loss of a loved one extra fresh. This grief can undoubtedly be a result of losing a family member or close friend to death, and…
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Deconstructing your Faith? A bit of what I learned during my Deconstruction.
About 20 years ago, I began my personal deconstruction - this involved stepping away (dismantling)from Big Box ministry. It cost me friends, notoriety, my ministry equity and reputation, my false sense of certainty about all things God, and … a paycheque. I write about it in my 2012 book “Becoming Love. Avoiding Common Forms of Christian Insanity.” …
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No, God Doesn’t Choose Bad Leaders
I promised myself I wouldn’t write about the recent US election. Frankly, I’m tired of it all and unsure if the frenzied energy and attention are helping or hindering. But still, I will brush up against the US election results without actually writing about it. In this instance, folks who tend to lean to the…
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Why Love?
I’ll state the obvious. I’m an idealist(not to be confused with lazy passive optimism). The novel and the beautiful capture me. However, my idealism can be double-edged, for sure. As Stanley Kubrick’s character General Broulard profers, “You’re an idealist, and I pity you as I would the village idiot.”1 Maybe he’s right to do so. Perhaps I’m…
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You’re In when you Feel Most Out
Many of us are familiar with the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. You know, Blessed are the poor. Blessed are the ... . There are two words that translate into "Blessed" in first-century Judaism. The first, in Hebrew beraka (and the Greek eulogeo) and this word isn't used in the Beatitudes. This word is used in prayer, asking for a blessing. For…
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Lifting the Light
This story opens a host of possibilities for engaging in life awake. It’s not about over-the-top heroism by making a single seismic difference; rather, it’s about a lifestyle of being aware of the everyday opportunities for healing the parts of the world that you come in contact with as a part of living your life.
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What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction is an ancient practice where an individual seeks guidance and support in their spiritual journey from a qualified and experienced spiritual director. "Director" is kind of a misnomer. It's more like spiritual companionship or a "soul friend." It involves a safe one-on-one relationship with a spiritual companion who offers a compassionate presence and listens attentively as the individual shares their spiritual journey.
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Beginnings & Endings
I was struck by the juxtaposition of new beginnings and endings. Celebration and grief inhabiting the same space in time, in the lives of my family, and in my own heart.
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Trauma Bond
Jesus as a trauma bond rings true (in degrees) in my experience/work but the phrase sets me back on my heels.
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Awakening in Christ’s Body
Relationships are as varied and unique as people themselves but constitutive of what it is to be human (to exist). Relationship is a powerful dynamic between us, others, the world and our source (God).
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