You may have heard the phrase Open & Relational Theology more these days, but maybe you aren't sure what it's all about. The following is a good summary of Open & Relational Theology based on the ideas of Thomas Jay Oord. It also does an excellent job of Oord’s solution to the problem of evil.
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Two Parades. The Lie of Sacred Violence
It was the beginning of Passover as Jesus and his friends headed to Jerusalem for the to celebrate Israel's liberation from Egypt. Word spread that He was on His way to the city. People ran out to meet this Jesus who was taking the land by storm, with his radical teachings of love; turning the…
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COVID, Church Services and the Good News of Jesus
A pastor of a church just outside of Edmonton Alberta has been arrested and charged with violating the COVID-19 Provincial Health Orders that among other things limit the size of indoor gatherings to 15% of the maximum fire code capacity.Health officials and RCMP had met with the pastor on several occasions in an attempt to…
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Dream a little Dream with Me
I have been asked, "Where are you coming from with Is it self-help/ self-improvement? Or is it spiritual / faith stuff? Grief/loss care? What is it?" I smile and say, "Yes, and more!" I am coming from a place that mystic and monk Thomas Merton so aptly states - it's all spiritual, or none…
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The Both and of Knowing God
There are a couple of ways that we can know. We can know in an epistemological sense and an experiential heart sense. Our western culture has been significantly shaped by Greek philosophical thinking. It forms a lens that shapes the way we see and engage reality. Epistemology is basically the way we can know about…
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The Cross, Victory and the Non-Violent God
[ This article was originally written in 2011 - thought I'd blow the dust off it and share it again. fresh thoughts are in [*]. Worldview runs silently in the background of our consciousness, filtering and shaping the way we interpret the world around us. It is from these interpretations that our worldview shapes our…
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Playing with Scripture – Midrash
[Guest article by Jacob Rose] The Jewish tradition of midrash offers something rich to the practice of scriptural interpretation that is too often forgone in the Christian tradition. Rachel Held Evans, author of Inspired, writes: “While Christians turn to Scripture to end a conversation, Jews turn to scripture to start a conversation” (24). Often, the understanding of…
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Finding Community along the Beautiful Way
For at least the last decade many have been sensing a new reformation taking shape. It started to be a fairly broad critique of what manifests as institutional forms of church and the nature of its structures. Much has been written on this issue and we have seem a steady exodus from western institutional forms of church regardless of stripe.
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Deeper for the sake of Good
The Big Idea: Our best, most authentic work needs to be rooted in something bigger than us and our good work. A deep guiding force that keeps us from being consumed by our good work or worse, becoming that which we resist. We think that the good work in and of itself will keep us…
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Human Being versus Doing. Towards Wholeness
I am not alone when I admit I have wrestled with the being versus doing dichotomy. In essence, it's a longing to live more authentically, to experience meaning in those things we do and not feeling disconnected from our sense of being whether by mindless rote, guilt or unhealthy obligation. I know that this was…
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