Tag Archives: experiencing God

Sun behind all suns – Prayer

Sun behind all suns, Soul behind all souls, ..... Show to us in everything we touch and in everyone we meet the continued assurance of Your presence 'round us: lest ever we should think you are absent. In all created things You are there. In every friend we have the sunshine of Your presence is shown…
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Joy of Good News

There are many kinds of good news. The best news for me was the birth of my three sons, and seeing them each succeed in their own ways. For some, good news may be winning the lottery or an all clear on a medical test, getting a new job or buying a new car. We…
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Rugged Hope

  The Psalmist once wrote that hope deferred makes the heart sick. The Old Testament is full of stories of a people who wrestled with hope. In the face of crushing defeats, plagues, exile, and captivity after captivity these people persevered. They managed through generations of tragedy to find the grace to persevere when many…
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Discovering Thin Places

"Thin places" is a 5th-century Celtic Christian term used to describe geographical places where it seems that space between Heaven and Earth are uniquely thin.  The Thin places could be in a building, a cave, on a mountain top or by the sea shore.  It is the place where we become acutely aware of the…
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Being Acceptable to God: Holiness in Real Life

One of the greatest pleasures in my life is working with wonderful and diverse people.  It is so incredible to see how the Father works in each life.  Far too often I am afraid when I get to meet some of these folks, it is because they are experiencing some sort of crisis in their…
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Excavating Your True Self

There’s a lot of mystery and often a lot of confusion when we start to speak about one's “True Self.” Depending upon your religious background, this can be relatively normal, completely bizarre and for some quite dubious. However, in the sense of healthy Christian faith, the pursuit of the authentic self is simply discovering and…
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10 Powerful (But Simple) Ways to Experience Life

For many, a relationship with God is a powerful connection to real life.  Healthy spirituality can connect us in healthy ways to reality.  Healthy faith can help ground our entire lives.  It can take the ordinary and seemingly mundane things of life and fill them with significance.  Likewise, it can produce a sense of hope,…
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We ARE Chosen

How many of us remember the ad-hoc choosing of teams in the school yard? "I'll take Jimmy."  "I'll take Jane" and so forth until there is a lone person left and chosen by default.  There were times when I was growing up that I found myself the last to be chosen.  It is an awkward feeling to not…
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My God, my God why have you forsaken me?

I have been reflecting the Gospel accounts of our Lord hanging on the Roman tree, and I am gripped by the sheer terror of the event. As Jesus hung there in great anguish, He cried out “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?) (Mt.27:46) For a long time, I…
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Don’t Mind the Mess. Jesus Doesn’t.

I had an aunt who was a neat freak.  There's no other way to put, and she would agree, if through gritted teeth and tight-lipped smile.  I have a memory of visiting her home and my wife-to-be mistakenly walking into the freshly vacuumed family room.  My aunt shrieked with panic as my betrothed's socked foot…
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