
Discernment Between the Ditches

Discernment is a significant challenge for many folks and this is an important part of learning to walk in the Spirit and to walk by faith.  Discernment is the process of determining an action to be taken or not taken, a choice to be made or a direction to head when the way is not…
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Loving Yourself: Forgiveness

Rhythms of the Heart - Video- We are encouraged to love our neighbour as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31) but what if we don't love ourselves? Jesus also taught after the last supper with His friends that we need to love each other as He loved us (John 13:34-35). One key way in which Jesus loves us is through…
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Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is the continuing response to the reality of God’s grace shaping us into the likeness of Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit. This is in a community of faithful, forgiving friends who are on the similar journey - the Church (however it looks).   This is a life long journey,…
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Measurable Outcomes Keep Us on Target

Setting specific, measurable goals and objectives is key in project management - like planning a road trip, you know where you want to head. You take the time to plan;  you map your route, where you will grab meals, re-fuel and where you will spend the nights.  It is really helpful to set specific mid-way…
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Not just a Sex Addiction – Pornography

There is a great deal written about the toxic aspects of pornography in the lives of people from many walks of life and sadly, this material is far less than the easy, abundant clicks to access mountains of online pornography.   The insidiousness of Internet porn is reaching into the lives of many men (at…
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Life is.

As I make the transition into the second half of my life, I am noticing a number of subtle changes that are working their way through my life.   At times the changes go unnoticed until I encounter a snag in a particular area which applies the right kind of pressure in just the right…
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Winning the Battles in your Mind

Have you ever been thinking about a situation in your life and before you know it you are engaged in a full-on battle with the various players in your mind?!  They launch out with the argument you expect, to which you fire back a masterfully delivered retort, and back and forth and before you know…
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Restoring Fallen Leaders

It seems we are always looking for heroes, someone to place upon a pedestal and inevitably they fall from the heights we have elevated them!  Sometimes it is simply they don't live up to the unrealistic expectations we place upon them but sometimes they fall from the pedestal because of their actions.  Recent history is…
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Poetry as a Prayer Catalyst

Have you ever seen those frustrating pictures?  You know the ones. The kind that if you stare at them long enough and hard enough, from the right angle and you will see a hidden image?  I always find these frustrating because naturally, I tend to take things at face value but if I’m not careful,…
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Money, Giving and the Obligation of Love

The subject of giving and money often are areas of contention in many communities and perhaps no more so than in Church communities. There are many high profile and many everyday examples of an unhealthy emphasis on money which contributes to the fairly widely held belief that Church is more concerned about money than anything…
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